wow. sunday night was awesome. the only way i can summarize it is: the sound tech had to turn the band louder because the congregation was singing so loudly.
the night just seemed to incorporate alot of what Christians should be doing: praising God loudly because they love Him, laying hands on a missionary and praying for Him, confessing sin, taking communion, bringing pants and socks for people who need them in the community, fellowshipping with each other, and singing some more.
i left the night just being grateful that God just seems to do stuff. i mean, we as a band picked some songs and prayed for what should happen and made an announcement, but unless God does something with the hearts and hands of those who come. none of what we do matters. i was just so grateful that God actually moves among His people and changes lives and changes hearts and motivates hands and feet for his work and guides and directs His church.
the night was broken into 3 parts: lifting our hands, opening our hands, and using our hands
here was the setlist:
holy holy holy
let God arise
happy day
mighty to save
here is our King
Jesus paid it all
from the inside out
You never let go
on our side
i saw the light
how long (pants and socks offering)
(prayer for Costya)
God of this city
love is alive
the stand
praise God.
1 comment:
Broken Hallelujah was Amazing!!!!!
I tagged you (you can thank Jenetta) on my blog
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