september 23rd
6:30 pm
a time to worship God together at night.
this will be the first in a series of worship nights titled: broken hallelujah.
broken hallelujah is a representation of the worship that i desire to take place every second of the day.
every second, we ought to be broken before God: confessing that He alone is God and sovereign King and holy and righteous and worthy of praise and satisfying and truly beautiful.
and every second, our hearts ought to be responding with a hallelujah, that we have been forgiven much and brought into a relationship with this holy God. a relationship that we did not deserve, but has brought God joy to give us and has brought us joy to receive.
every sunday is a broken hallelujah as a corporate body of believers.
every week is a broken halleujah as we work and worship God in our day to day activities. glorifying Him in our eating and walking and hanging out.
O God, i pray that every moment our hearts would be broken before You and responding with a joyful Hallelujah.
that is beautiful.
Amen my brother - I will pray for those night of broken worship, I have had many. Shan
I like r & b and this is going to be an awesome evening.
I believe you got the title "broken hallelujah" from the Jeff Buckley cover. I first heard the song on a Scrubs episode (John Cale version). I just downloaded the song by Leonard Cohen from iTunes and was researching the song when I can across the "broken Hallelujah" lyric. An amazing song! Someday I'd like to hear you do it.
For the unitiated Hallelujah on Wikipedia.
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