our voices need to respond to something. we see great baseball plays and we shout. we see great performers and we cheer.
our hearts need to respond to something. we cry at great films. we get choked up when the music rises in intensity. we enjoy giving love when we love someone.
our minds need to respond to something. we get stimulated when a conversation or book interests us.
our hands need to respond to something. we want to help when we find a cause worth helping. we want to work when we realize we need to provide.
but our voices and hearts and minds and hands were ultimately designed to respond to God. His infinate value is the greatest thing we can respond to.
when our heart and mind is broken and God pours His infinate grace over them, our voices respond with hallelujah and our hands respond with "what shall i now do"
i pray that in the wake of any broken hallelujah that we experience, we will respond with open hands.
sunday night was awesome. for many reasons, but mainly because God broke hearts and restored them with His grace. and we wanted to respond.
here was the setlist:
Holy Holy Holy
"My King" audio track
O Praise Him/Here is Our King
His Love is Alive
Prayer Time
All Creatures
This is my Father's World
From the Inside Out/How Great is our God
Desperate for You
Silent Prayer/Confession
Here I am to Worship
Amazing Grace
Group Prayer/Confession
O No, You Never Let Go/Majesty/Shout to the Lord/The Stand
Clap Your Hands Hallelujah
Happy Day/O Happy Day
I Saw the Light
On Our Side