so, im in this children's worship band called the el ninos. we think that elementary school kids like music. so we have written and recorded three albums with a goal of create high energy, fun. and good music. there are alot of cihldren worship songs out there that are hokey and lame. our goal has been to put real theology and lyrics that aim to maginify our supremely fun and powerful and just and funny and loving and awesome God. the music has an edge. alot of distortion and alot of guitar solos.
we've been doing winter camps for 8 years and every year we see a hunderd kids karate kicking, jumping, hand-motioning, singing, shouting, shouting even louder, and dancing to the glory of God. its pretty awesome.
our latest album, "the el ninos underwater adventure" is starting its circulation in a few churches and every time we play we get to see 2nd-6th graders worshipping God with songs we've created. its a blessing.
CLICK HERE TO GO THE WEBSITE: web.mac.com/theelninos
1 comment:
We love the El Ninos!!!!!!!! "hoooo haaaaa" (along with a karate chop" :} Mandy helped me out here...........
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