God is good and real.
from napa valley: i learned again how great my wife is and how much i love traveling with her.
from the redwoods: i saw enormous trees with deep roots, which made me want to be deep and rooted and strong and tall, standing for Jesus with arms high and heart abandoned in awe of the One who gave it all.
from the oregon coast: i learned that i don't have to pump my own gas and that God created a vast ocean with vast rock formations with vast amounts of awe and wonder.
from portland: i saw a city filled with art and a community of believers that take art seriously and take glorifying their supremely artistic God with an artistic passion.
from creekside at courtney's uncle's house: i fell in love with reading. and getting lost in a story from Donald Miller and getting lost in the theology and passion of John Piper
and from houseboating with my old high-school group: i saw a group of kids encountering the real Jesus in a real and passionate way. and i saw the Spirit of God break people's hearts and heal people's hearts and stir in people's hearts as we sang Hosanna in the highest. and i saw a group of kids and leaders decide to stand up and surrender their souls to God and sing, "all i am is yours". and mean it.
it was a good 2 weeks.
i am excited for my ministry at green valley church. and excited to live for God. and excited to have a baby.